Prof. Yakir Aharonov
Physics, Tel Aviv University
Personal Webpage:
Prof. Yakir Aharonov in the I-CORE group research:
Theoretical investigations of weak measurments and weak values.
Graduate Students:
Cohen Eliahu (PhD Student)
Landsberger Tomer (Master Sudent)
Honorary Doctor of Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2012
The National Medal of Science, USA, 2010
Reuters Citation Laureate, 2009
EMET Prize, 2006
Van Vleck Lecturer, University of Minnesota, 2000
Honorary Doctor of University of Buenos Aires, 1999
Wolf Prize, 1998
Honorary Doctor of Science, Bristol University, 1997
Hewlett-Packard Europhysics Prize 1995
Elected to the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 1994
Honorary Doctorate University of South Carolina, 1994
The Distinguished Scientist Governor Award of South Carolina, 1993
Honorary Doctorate Technion, Haifa 1992
Elliott-Cresson Medal of the Franklin Institute 1991
Elected to the National Academy of Science of Israel 1990
The Israel National Prize in Physics 1989
Miller Research Professorship award at Berkeley 1988 – 1989
Rotschild Prize in Physics, 1984
Weizmann Prize in Physics, 1984
Elected Fellow American Physical Society, 1981
Y. Aharonov, E. Cohen, A.C Elitzur, Foundations and applications of weak quantum measurements, Phys. Rev. A 89, 052105 (2014).
Y. Aharonov, F. Colombo, I. Sabadini, D.C. Struppa, J. Tollaksen, Evolution of superoscillatory data. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47(20), 205301 (2014).
Y. Aharonov, A. Botero, S. Nussinov, S. Popescu, J. Tollaksen, L. Vaidman, The classical limit of quantum optics: not what it seems at first sight, New J. Phys. 15(9), 093006 (2013).
Y. Aharonov, S. Popescu, D. Rohrlich, P. Skrzypczyk, Quantum Cheshire Cats, New J. Phys. 15(11), 113015 (2013).
Y. Aharonov, S. Popescu, J. Tollaksen. Each instant of time a new Universe, Quantum Theory: A Two-Time Success Story, Springer Milan, 21-36 (2014).