The Circle of Light I-Core center focuses on exploring the broad field of light-matter interactions experimentally and theoretically by bringing together researchers with a wide variety of expertise ranging from fundamental physics to information processing.
The interaction between light and matter has been at the forefront of research for several decades, during which it evolved in many distinct albeit interrelated directions. Several fields have matured, such as Laser Physics, and Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, while new fields, such as Ultrafast Optics, Nano-Photonics and High Field Physics have more recently emerged. In parallel, traditional fields such as imaging and microscopy have evolved to exploit light-matter interactions for achieving super-resolution in imaging, spectroscopy and metrology. These fields, covering a broad range of light-matter interactions, are strongly correlated.
By combining researchers with different expertise, experimentalists and theorists, the I-Core Center aims at impacting some of the most important challenges in optical sciences today, both basic and applied. The collaborative effort will initiate the development and investigation of a variety of new sources and novel processes employing concepts of high harmonic generation, ultrafast optics, nano-photonics and plasmonics and ultra-stable lasers.
An important objective of the I-Core center is to nurture excellence in research and education in optics related areas in Israel, and to bring back home researchers that have thus far chosen to live elsewhere. We intend to combine expertise and harness our multidisciplinary backgrounds in order to open up new and exciting frontiers in optics, while at the same time transferring technology to the industry and defense settings in Israel.